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Houseplants 101

The Pelham Group
Oct 2 5 minutes read

Live plants can do wonders for you and your home. Not only are indoor plants decorative, but they also help clean the environment and the air around them. With house plants ranging from succulents to blooming plants, this article will teach you all you need to know to have your plants thriving in your home!

Plant Types To Incorporate Into Your Home


These plants provide beauty with low maintenance! Succulents are great for busy homeowners as they don’t require much watering or care and are a beautiful accent to any room of the house.

Humidity loving plants:

Plants can help make your bathroom look bright and cheery! Place your bathroom plants in a pot on gravel, loose rocks, or sand in order to trap moisture to keep your plants happy all year round.

Kitchen herbs:

Herbs look beautiful in your kitchen, add a pop of color, and are a delicious addition to your cooking! Place them on a windowsill and use them in your favourite dishes.

Hanging plants:

Add hanging potted plants to your home in order to add colour and beauty! You may create a layered look with plants from floor to ceiling.

How to Care for Indoor Plants:

Caring for your indoor house plants is important, especially as the seasons change. You will need to help your plants adapt to the climate inside of your home.


So you bought a plant, but how do you add it to your pot? Be sure to choose the right container and potting mix. Don’t let your soil get soggy or it can kill your plants! Find a pot that is only slightly bigger and has proper drainage for excess water. As for potting mix, choose an all-purpose mix for most plants or a cactus mxi for succulents for extra drainage.


With fall and winter coming, you will very likely turn the heat up in your home. While this is great for you and your family, the heat can be a problem for the plants that favour cooler temperatures. Be sure to keep a close eye on the plant’s water consumption and what climate they prefer. If you notice that your plant leaves are turning yellow or have brown patches, consider purchasing a humidifier and moving your plant to a warmer or cooler location.


While the seasonal changes bring drops in temperature, the hours of sunlight also decrease. If your plant thrives in direct or indirect sunlight, consider placing plants in windowsills or purchasing a grow lamp if the sunshine is not enough.


In order for some plants to flourish in the fall and winter, they may need some additional nutrients. This can easily be accomplished by repotting your plants with nutrient-rich soil, which will release nutrients over time. You may buy soil that is specially made for indoor plants with the nutrients required for them to thrive inside your home.

The Best Indoor Houseplants:

Peace Lily

Peace lilies offer elegance and beauty with their unique look. They help to remove toxins and harmful gases from the air. They are perfect indoor plants because they flourish in dark areas, such as bathrooms, bedrooms, and offices.

Snake Plant

Snake plants are great for indoors as they can tolerate low water and light environments and they prefer indirect light. These plants are on the NASA list of houseplants that clean and filter indoor air.


Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a gel-like sap that helps heal cuts and burns. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, which makes it a great plant for bedrooms. They prefer moist soil, but will do fine if you forget to water it occasionally.


Herbs are great to grow in your kitchen, especially mint. Mint plants act as their own natural insecticide and repel bugs. It is a great addition for flavour in your cooking, tea, and other beverages. They also look beautiful and brighten your kitchen up.

Weeping Fig
Although the name of this plant does not sound very appealing, these plants area must-have plant for your home! They will help to filter out hidden pollutants in places such as your carpet, curtains, furniture and sheets. Weeping figs are a natural air purifier that look beautiful in your home.


With over 1000 varietals of this plant that share the same care instructions, this plant offers many unique looks and as a bonus, is easy to grow! They work great in small spaces and are nontoxic to pets and children. It also removes formaldehyde from the air.

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